Wednesday 28 October 2020

Bardic Verse: ‘Waiting' by Lady Alessandra di Riario

(one of my most vivid Raglan experiences was walking just before dawn into the castle and almost straight into a grey heron, the colour of the sky, sitting on the bridge)

“I forget” was the name of the heron who hovered over the feast
But you, you remember
Arms and alarums
fires and festivity
swords and celebration
a woman in white, weeping
A squire, in the corner, readying himself for glory
Shards of cannon
and a king, next a fountain, raising a cup to the dead.
If I asked you to speak would you tell me
of guards guarding fallen towers
a light at midnight, without a candle
children in sunshine dreaming of being knights
and mothers, dreaming of a moment without children?
would it be prophecy, poetry,
or simply nature’s truth?
“By all means rise at dawn,
and don your armour
dream of crowns
and count your marks after.
but leave me my realm, my grey twilight
my flight and my silence
my humble pursuit
and the man there, the one under the bridge,
dressed in his finery, serving princes
tell him I’m waiting
tell him to cook fish when I want my breakfast.”

Bardic Verse: ‘My Virtual Raglan' by Milady Astrid Pålsdottir

Within known walls
and not castle halls
was my very first Raglan fair-
yet without it, I wouldn’t have been there.


Remembered a few people from Shire events,

met many more who were new

to me, and the SCA,

which is what happens when you’re new anyway!


A few new things I got to see,

not as many as I’d have liked, but still-

Camp fires and another Bardic Circle,

I finally performed at this one,

in a great night of skill and happiness

even if it did all go too fast.

In the future, I’d love to see those castle walls,

but glad I could still take part in these halls-

I’m happy to remember my first Raglan fair.